Mona's Blog

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I firmly believe that pets should be a part of a family and am always completely infuriated when I see pets that are neglected, or worse, abused. Since it got colder, I've been parking my car in my garage, which is only accessible by the alley behind my house. In the mornings, I drive down the long alley to start my commute to work (all 8 minutes it takes me to get to work...whew!). And every morning, this sweet dog would run out of it's dog-house and turn 'round and 'round and 'round as I passed by. At first I thought it was cute, but then I realized it wasn't so cute. The dog is enclosed in a small fenced pen, maybe 4 feet by 3 feet....inside the pen is a small dog-house. The dog is NEVER not in the pen....even when it's 3 degrees outside, the dog is out in it's pen shivering (it's not a long-haired dog). There is dog poo everywhere and the poor thing is most likely turning circles as I drive past because it's the only activity/excitement it gets in it's miserable life.

So, after seeing this for over a month and ensuring that the dog is never taken inside even when it's below 0 degrees, I called Animal Control on the bastards! I figured they could assess if the dog was indeed being neglected and would take the proper procedures to ensure the dog was cared for. This morning (the day after I called Animal Control), I was elated to find that the dog was no longer in it's pen! Yay!! I am so incredibly happy that I was able to help. Hopefully the dog is at least in a warm place right now. Now I want to scour Indianapolis and save all the animals. :)


  • At 8:04 PM , Blogger Woody! said...

    I can think of one four-legged friend who is happy you called.

  • At 5:06 AM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    you should make a latex costume and come up with a catchy name, like The Animal Avenger. You could get a side kick and scour the city looking for evil doers that neglect their animals. I joke a little, but seriously, that is good of you to call Animal Control. Abusers suck. I think that they should be placed in the environment that they put their pets for a week or so. Just to get the feel of freezing in a poo infested space. Of course I also think that child abuseres should be placed in a jail cell with large people that will make them their bitches, so maybe my ideas are a bit too extreme.

  • At 10:17 AM , Blogger Mona said...

    I like your ideas, Eric. Not extreme at all. :)

  • At 11:57 AM , Blogger james said...

    Nice, Mona :)
    Ya done good chica.

    And btw, I agree with Eric's ideas, both the punishments and the caped crusader bit.

  • At 6:00 AM , Blogger Mona said...

    Are you going to be my side-kick, James? :) Mona The Avenger and Jamison, her trusty side-kick.


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