Mona's Blog

Monday, February 20, 2006

Friday I had a third check-up for the cysts on my right ovary to see how things are going. I will find out today or tomorrow what the results and recommendation will be. I can tell they are still there since I've been feeling a dull ache all weekend with a few jabs of pain here and there. I'm not sure if my doctor is going to ask me to wait another month and see or if more action will be necessary. I read up on cysts on WebMD that sometimes doctor's will recommend surgery if the cysts don't go away after 2 or 3 months. But this depends on age, overall health, the way the cyst looks, etc. I guess I'll wait and see. I'm actually surprised how I'm handling it all....I'm concerned and it's on my mind, but I'm not obsessively worrying about it. It makes me nervous, but I'm not waking up in the middle of the night freaking out about it.....which is something that I tend to do when something that worries me happens.


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