Mona's Blog

Friday, August 18, 2006

Chiggers Suck...

One of the cons of being an outdoorsy girl is being more susceptible to bug bites and other things that make one itch. I have about 20 or more chigger bites on the backs of my legs and.....well, other places. Let me tell you, mosquito bites are NOTHING compared to chigger bites. These things itch like hell....and they don't ever stop itching. Last night I woke up with my legs on fire and had to take an antihistamine in order to get the bites to calm down enough for me to fall asleep. It was pretty horrible. Oh, and I think I have a patch of poison ivy on my arm. So, basically I'm an itchy mess.


  • At 11:28 AM , Blogger Mona said...

    Actually, now that things have progressed more, it looks like it might have been just poison ivy the whole time. After not being able to sleep the past three nights from the excrutiating itching, I finally went to the doctor this morning. They gave me a steroid shot and I have a week's worth of steroid doses for the rest of the week. It's horrible. I can't wait until this is taken care of.

  • At 4:59 AM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    I hate the ivy. I get it once a year. Or poison sumac or oak. I never know what not to touch. I can recognize the ivy, but poison sumac looks like several other plants too. You better watch those steriods. You may start getting hair on your chest. Not the most attractive thing for a woman, even if she is outdoorsy.

    For the record, ticks are the ones that dig into your skin. Chiggers bite hard. I hate bugs.

  • At 7:04 AM , Blogger Mona said...

    Just an FYI - if you ever get poison ivy, I highly recommend using a product called Zanfel. It's $40 for a 1 ounce tube, but it is WONDEFUL. It works great, and while I've had to use several applications of it (apparently it often works after just one application), the poison ivy gets better immediately following each application.


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