Being hit on by Devlin...
My girls and I went out to a club up North called LuLu's. I spent a lot of the night dodging guys, which isn't that fun, but proves to be interesting. First there was the large, sweaty white dude who's name I never got. Then there was the balding Pakistani guy, who was quite the gentlemen and I think a bit weirded out that I had a background with Islam. And there were a few others that tried to get my number, but the funniest experience by far was being hit on by a large African-American man named Devlin. First of all, the name is classic. I mean, how many Devlin's do you know? And secondly, his approach was HEE-LARIOUS. He said he wanted to dance with me because he liked girls with a little girth. He then proceeded to tell me that he liked his women "thick." I think he also said something about "good birthing hips" at one point. Now, I know I'm not a skinny girl. Never was and never will be. But I wouldn't really describe myself with the same terminology as Devlin. And for the man to say all of this in a conversation that he hopes is going to impress me enough to want to give him my phone number is pretty crazy. I thanked Devlin for his time and waddled my girth out on the dance floor with Megan to shake my good birthing hips in peace.
At 7:42 PM , Eric Rhodes said...
As a guy, I will say that no line that I ever used has ever worked. Amy and Mona, you should both know that, as neither one of you ever fell for my masculine (?) charms. Actually, in my single years, I found that being non-forward and mysterious worked better than being forward and using cheesy lines. When mysterious, girls treated me with a distant curiosity but when I approched them and used 'lines', they treated me with direct comtempt. And mone, for the record, your booty is fines and your hips are not what I would consider 'brithing' hips. Girl you are fine. (You too Amy)
At 7:44 PM , Eric Rhodes said...
The last line should read "and Mona, For the record your booty is fine...." not "mone, for the record your booty is fines".
At 5:50 AM , Mona said...
Thanks, Amy and Eric, for the encouragement that my hips are in fact not the birthing kind. I appreciate it. Eric, you can be mysterious? Hmmmm...a side of you I'm not aware of. Your typos are funny. :)
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