Mona's Blog

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The things I do...

Adjusting to change has always been somewhat of a challenge for me. Albeit a lot easier now than it was....say, two years ago. But any life-change always takes some effort on my part to ease the stress.

Things I do naturally that isn't always helpful:
  • Go into super-duper routine mode, ensuring everything is thought of and everything is completed way in advance. For example, packing my gym clothes the night before (not that big of a deal) to cooking on Sunday so that I have lunches and dinners ready for the entire week (a bit of a bigger deal).
  • Over-exercising.
  • Go into independent-mode and rely only on myself.

Things I need to do more of, but isn't always easy because I'm not used to doing it:

  • Let go and not try to control everything.
  • Not push myself to do too much or to work at the same level I might usually. Give myself a break.
  • Open myself up and reach out to others.
  • To always pay attention to and respect what I'm feeling at any given moment.

I'm happy to report that because I'm aware of all of the above (the bad and the good), that acclimating to my new job hasn't been as difficult as it could have been. It's still not easy, but it's been pretty OK.


  • At 8:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm guilty of needing to break some of those same habits, Mona! In my case, in addition to controlling everything, pushing myself to improve my performance, and NEVER giving myself a break from my own standards, I have the dangerous habit of insisting that I work harder than the other managers on my team. I figure, I'm the head manager, I need to work the hardest. This is difficult, though, because I have hired incredible people over the last last year who never shy away from anything. I'm up to working 47 average hours a week just to ensure I take on more projects at the store. The one upside to this REALLY warped way of thinking... Our store runs REALLY smoothly and ALWAYS looks great. But...

    This is why I need to leave later this year and take some time off to refocus on my life as a whole, not my life as work.

    This is probably much more extreme than you, so I post this as a friendly warning of what can happen to those with perfectionist tendencies. :) Good luck!

  • At 5:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Thanks for sharing your experiences, Betsy! I used to very much be a perfectionist and had to work harder than anyone I came into contact with....or else I was slacking. Sounds a bit like your example. What prevented me from continuing on that path is that, because of my perfectionist tendencies, I developed anxiety. I just couldn't do it anymore and had to find balance in my life. So, I definitely know what that life is like. I'm still constantly having to pull in the reins, but it gets easier. It just takes a concious effort.

  • At 4:36 AM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    Wow Betsy! Are you applying for a job with Mona or something? that sounds exactly like the BS lines that I use during interviews. that is the only way I can get jobs. If I tell the truth and say, "I only do what I have to do to avoid getting fired and never apply myself enough to move ahead." no one would hire me.

  • At 4:42 AM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    I'm teasing Besty. It is good to have a good work ethic. I just don't.

  • At 4:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No Eric - you lead a balanced life. That's a good thing! Don't get me wrong, I'm overall a pretty darn happy person, but I'd be even happier if my "work ethic" wasn't nuts!!! Someday, I hope to be more like you!! :)

  • At 4:11 AM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    Hang out with me at work one day, Betsy. I will show you how to embrace doing the bare minimum.


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