Mona's Blog

Monday, July 07, 2008

Things to Look Forward to...

I'm back at work with no vacation planned at this point and a 5-day a week work-week set in for awhile. This makes me a bit sad after the fun week I had last week of visiting and not working (although the sprained ankle sucked). But there are a few things to look forward to:
  • My make-up Birthday to be celebrated with James. Since he was in Albania for my actual birthday, we are doing a make-up bday this weekend. We plan on making and decorating a cake. Yay!
  • Visiting my mom. James and I plan on going to Ohio in a few weeks to visit my mom for a weekend. I will be inviting Melissa back down to eat dinner and, if she wants, spend the night.
  • Moving into our new rental house. My roommate and I are moving into our new place soon! Our lease there starts on the 15th and we have two weeks to slowly move our crap over. We are really excited about this move, as the new house is sooooo nice. I am going to have to start packing this weekend.
  • Megan's visit. My friend, Megan, is going to be flying in from Denver around Labor Day to visit. It's always a good time when hanging out with her.

So, this is my summer excitement so far. We'll see what else pops up.


  • At 1:02 PM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    How many moves is that for you in the past several years? 37? It seems like every year or so you move again. I know, 37 is a bit much, but you move alot. I guess that's one bonus for us out of state friends. Sure we never see you, but at least we don't have to haul your crap around all the time! :-)

  • At 5:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Let's see.....this will be the 4th time I've moved since living in Indianapolis. I did live in my last place for two years, so that's proof that I do stay in places for longer than 1 year.


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