Mona's Blog

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

NewsFlash! Bagged Lettuce Causes Severe Farting!

Ok, not really.....but I was talking to my sister on the phone yesterday about something that made me laugh. When she was at the grocery store the other day, she put some bagged lettuce in her cart. Some random lady came up to her and said "I guess you hadn't heard on the news." My sister, confused, asked her what she was talking about and the lady responded with, "About the bagged lettuce." And then proceeded to walk away. UHmmmm.....what!!???!?

So, Leila was asking me if I had heard anything about bagged lettuce recently. I hadn't, so I looked it up today and apparently back in September of 2005, there was some stuff about Dole bagged lettuce being linked to "an E. Coli outbreak." An "outbreak" meaning 11 people got sick and then a bunch of lawsuits started flying around over it. So, as I was telling my sister, this lady still has her panties all in a bunch over some situation that happened a year ago! And her panties are so incredibly bunched, causing such discomfort, that she felt the need to warn my sister about it. It's just so funny to me how people get so panicked over stuff sometimes.

UPDATE: OK, so apparently me not watching the news that much makes me uninformed sometimes. Apparently there is a new bout of E. Coli from the Dole bagged lettuce that was reported yesterday. I still stand by my opinion that people tend to over-react. :)


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