Mona's Blog

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Furry Visitor

I recently threw out some freezer-burned chicken. I put it in the outside trashcan because I knew it would start to smell. I figured it would attract some animals, but I didn't figure that one of them would end up spending the night in my trashcan. While I thought it was cute that this little guy decided to curl up and take a snooze, now I'm wondering if he wasn't able to get out by himself. I need to go home at lunch and make sure the little opossum got out. Isn't he cute, though??!! No wonder my cats were looking out the window inquisitively.


  • At 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I don't like opossums. They killed my chickens. Also, their poop can kill my horse.

  • At 4:21 AM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    Yeah, those things are scary when they get big. Raccoons too. Sure, they look all innocent a cute, but if you run into a big one and it feels threatened, they can be right bastards.

  • At 5:48 AM , Blogger Mona said...

    I guess I like them despite their lethal poop. But then again, I like all animals, really. It was in my trashcan all that day. I tipped the can over even and it still decided to stick around. It was gone this morning, however....which was good because today is trash-day.

  • At 2:27 PM , Blogger james said...

    Whew. I was worried. I am very glad that Mr. Opossum got out before trash day.

    You really do love animals. Had I put freezer-burned chicken in the trash can, which would never happen because when I find and buy good chicken I am going to eat it and my little dorm style fridge with freezer inside just doesn't have the power to freezer-burn anything, my trash can would hold not a "cute" (your words not mine) litte critter but rather wild dogs. Oh I also forgot that I don't have a trash can. Our trash system isn't that organized.

  • At 7:15 AM , Blogger Mona said...

    There were lotsa wild dogs in Saudi, too. They wandered the deserts in packs and mostly stayed away from civilization. I supposed I'd be wanting to be nice to them, too. I just have a real soft-spot for animals. They just do what they need to do in order to survive....and it's tough trying to make it in a world where the dominant species things you are a nuisance despite the fact that we are quickly encroaching on every last speck of land. Ok...I'll get off my soap-box before this starts a shit-storm of politic-speak. :)


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