Mona's Blog

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Farewell my Old Friend

I called Wheels for Sight the other day. They take car donations and use the money they make to try to prevent blindness. They work with an auction house that deals with the logistics. They will call me sometime this week to arrange a time to pick up the Geo. I have several more pics on my Flickr site, but here are some of my favorites. The front of the car for those of you who forgot what she looked like. The other picture of one of her rust "spots," which was really a big hole. And, her final demise....notice the muffler pipe dangling underneath of the final photo? I just couldn't bring myself to fix this little problem.


  • At 4:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So sad in so many ways.

  • At 4:19 AM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    Wow. Is it dirty, ir did the paint fade that much?

  • At 5:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well...seeing as how I hadn't actually cleaned it in....oooh, about 4 years, I'm sure it's a combination of dirt and fading. It had faded quite a bit....what was interesting is that some of the doors faded while others didn't because there was a different coating on certain doors. Weird.

  • At 8:27 AM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    Why was there a different coating? Did on eof your highschool friend back into it or something? Poor hooptie car.

  • At 2:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hmmmm...I seem to recall someone backing into my car. Now who was that? I can't possibly remember. :)

    Actually, the different coating was some weird manufacturer mess-up. I think they got the front doors from a different source than the back doors.


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