Mona's Blog

Friday, August 12, 2005

Animals are so great! But, of course, my favorite animal for the single, renting life is cats. Cats rock! My cats, Anna and Max, are so amazing. They dispell all the myths that cats have about them. They come when their names are called. They obey me when I tell them not to do something. Anna plays fetch with her little ball (yes, she actually brings it back to me). Max licks your hands and face if you get near him (that is actually VERY annoying and I'm trying to break him of the habit. Cat tongues are NOT soft). This is actually a funny story....often when I fall asleep, I have my arms over my head or lying up on top of my pillow. Well, Max likes to visit at night and occasionally he starts licking me. I once woke up to him licking my ARM-PIT. Aaaargh! I pushed him off the bed and yelled at him.

Anyway, besides the gross licking thing, my cats are great. My top five animals for my current lifestyle includes:

1.) Cats - short haired domestic
2.) Standard Poodle (of course)
3.) Airedale Terrier
4.) Fish
5.) Squirrel

Ok, so I really wouldn't want to have a squirrel, but I've always thought about how it would be neat to have one if they were domesticated.


  • At 12:29 PM , Blogger Woody! said...

    Congrats! You've gotten a junk/spam comment. That means you've arrived.

    I met a guy who lived on Airport Highway who domesticated a squirrel. I thought it was the coolest thing. My mom... not so much.

  • At 6:00 AM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    Wow, you get some strange responses to your blog Mona. Mostly from me I'm sure, but this is twice that random people have posted a comment. I never have people I don't know hit my site. At least, not that I know of. Anyway, I personally would take a dog or two over a cat any day. I have the same attitude towards cats that some people have about kids: They're great if they aren't yours. We had a cat for a while, but he ran away. I think that he wanted to be free though. He always wanted to go out. But Lexie (my dog) is the best pet I've ever had. She's sweet, but barks when it is appropriate for dogs to bark. I know that she'd give me enough warning to pull out my .38 if someone broke into my place. Of course, who'd be dumb enough to break in to a place with a 100 pound German Shepherd? We plan on getting a Boston Terrier some day, maybe a French Bulldog too. They are smaller dogs, but cute.

  • At 1:33 PM , Blogger Woody! said...

    A French Bulldog? Is there such a thing? It sounds like an oxymoron.

  • At 11:34 AM , Blogger Mona said...'s interesting to see some of the posts. Don't mind the nice posts from strangers(thanks "me jason"), but the ones that are just being jack-asses are a bit annoying.

    Anyway, I don't think I could do a French Bulldog. I don't really get into small dogs. That's cool about the squirrel, Woody. I wonder if they poop all over the place, though. Maybe you could make it wear a little diaper. Makes me smile to just envision that one. :)

  • At 12:11 PM , Blogger roffe said...

    Cats are great animals!


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