Mona's Blog

Thursday, August 04, 2005

During my visit in Jordan, I spent a lot of time with my brother and his family. They are on this new nutrition plan that they swear's called Eat Right for your Type. It's this guy that says people need to eat certain foods based on their blood type, as blood type apparently determines a lot of things in a person's body. So, while my bullshit-o-meter peaked as they were telling me all about this, I decided to go ahead and give it a try for three weeks to derermine if it's truly bullshit or not.

The main reason I'm giving it a go is because for the last two years I've had real problems with feeling tired. Not just your normal "I'm tired" feeling, but just feeling plain exhausted, not being able to do as much as I used to do in the way of activities, exercise, staying up late, etc. It was something that happened all of a sudden after getting sick one winter and I have been unable to shake it. I've been to the doctor's numerous times, had tons of tests done....lesseee....mono, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hypothyrodism, other diseases, etc. Everything came back negative. I've had a physical and I'm healthier than healthy. The doctor finally determined that it's probably just due to stress and anxiety, and just sort of wrote me off. I think she's full of shit. So, now I'm wondering if I might have gluten sensitivity (related to Celiac Disease)....basically, if you eat anything that contains gluten in it (wheat is a main culprit), your body can't digest it and prevents you from digesting other nutrients, too. Being tired is one of the side-effects as well as other things.

This diet takes all wheat and dairy out of your nutrition plan if you are type O+ (me). So, I am eliminating all of this from my diet for the next three weeks to see what happens. I am eating lots of brown rice, lots of meat, veggies and fruit, etc. Staying away from wheat and gluten is difficult, but we'll see what happens. What a pain!!


  • At 2:43 PM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    Maybe you are feeling tired all of the time because you are getting older. No offense, you still look great, but as you get near 30, it's harder to do all of the things you did back in the day. I used to stay up all night back in my college days all the way up to just recent years. That's just my opinion though. I could be wrong, since I don't know the extent of your tiredness (and because I am not to bright some times), but I hear alot of people that say they can't stay up as late as they used to as they approach the 30 year mark. Personally, I can barely make it to 11:00 anymore and feel like I could sleep another three hours or so when my alarm goes off at 7:30. I guess diet could have something to do with it. I hope that your experiment works out for you. If nothing else, you could try Pixie Stix and Mountain Dew like we did back in the day. We'd be sugar-buzzed for hours. Good times.......Good times.

  • At 7:03 AM , Blogger Mona said...

    You both have good points. And I actually do attribute some of the tiredness to being older, but I'm unconvinced that's the only culprit. Especially since it's something that happened all of a sudden and there are other physical things that go along with it that don't seem normal at all. I won't get into the whole thing, but it just seems like something isn't quite right. So, that's why I'm trying to figure out what else it might be besides stress.

    And Bryan, you are definitely right that exercise is also important as well as what you eat. I started regular exercise at the age of 23 and haven't stopped since. It's been a huge benefit to me in regards of keeping my weight in check and keeping stress levels down further than what they would be without exercise. I lift weights three days a week and try to do 30 to 60 minutes of cardio every day. In addition to this, I also try to simply be active in general.

    Anyway, the fatigue could be from a lot of things.....and honestly, it's most likely a combination of things rather than a "Aha! This is the answer!" There is a huge mind/body connection, so feeling dissatisfied with my job and where I'm living probably doesn't help. I'll keep you posted on my progress! Thanks for the comments.

  • At 8:12 AM , Blogger Shauna said...

    Okay, I stumbled onto your blog, don't even know you, but everything you wrote about the sudden tiredness sounds so damned familiar that I have to write.

    I don't think this has anything to do with blood type.

    I have celiac disease, just diagnosed in the spring. I'd never heard of it before, but now I'm keeping a blog about it. I was exhausted all the time for the past few years. And I kept blaming lack of exercise (because I was too tired to exercise the way I wanted) and getting older. All that stuff. But it was all the gluten, it turns out. Now, after three months of it, I have never felt better in my life. And when I do get gluten, accidentally, I feel immediately sleepy.

    You said that you haven't better since you got sick a couple of years ago. Celiac is kicked into high gear when you have a trauma to the body: surgery, car accident, having a baby, or illness. That's what happened to me too.

    Did you know that 1 out of 133 people in America has this and doesn't know it?

    There are all kinds of reasons as to why celiac does this to our bodies, and I could tell you more if you want to write to me. Check out my blog at if you want to know more. I have lots of good links.

  • At 11:07 AM , Blogger Mona said...

    Thanks! I've been wondering if I have Celiac Disease, actually. I'm not sure I have all of the symptoms I've read about, but it doesn't seem completely off. I wondered if maybe I'm just gluten sensitive. I think I'll make an appointment with my doctor to test for it. I'll definitely check out your blog for more info. Thanks for taking time to write me!


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