Mona's Blog

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

BAND PHOTOS!! We look so incredibly cool, I can't hardly contain myself! Eric is modeling the AW jacket, t-shirt...and of course those sexy marching rubbers (the shoes!!!). Rinnert is showing us the basic food-group of band...and there's me marching with my cymbals!! Oh yes, and the infamous Woody photo where he looks pissed as hell with one of his high school girlfriends. I really think you guys were in the process of breaking up right at that moment. My bad.


  • At 9:17 PM , Blogger Woody! said...

    Oh, no. We stayed together well after band season. Good call on my part, eh? But I was wearing my University of Cincinnati sweatshirt. Looks like some foreshadowing there.

    I was enjoying this post until I got down to my picture. It looks like I'm trying to melt your camera with my heat vision.

    But, at least I'm not sporting the mullet look. I can proudly hold my head up about that.

  • At 6:09 AM , Blogger Eric Rhodes said...

    That's it! I need to start going through my old pictures so that I can find some good dirt on Mona. My senior picture was one thing, but it's a totaly different matter when you show a picture of a man in his rubbers. And Woody, the mullet kicked ass. I'm thinking about growing a new one. Who am I kidding? It was horrible.

  • At 11:13 AM , Blogger Mona said...

    Tee hee! I had to laugh out loud at your comments. I knew you'd love these photos. I have more pictures, Eric. I have one of you that I'm not sure I should post. You and Rinnert are both sitting crossed-legged and I took the picture while sitting on the crotch shots. Nothing is actually visible, but it's pretty funny looking, nonetheless.


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